I must have a brain deficiency that is allowing my inner neat-freak to post these pictures. Either that or I've finally come to the realization that this is probably as good as it's going to get in my Scraproom. I really should just refer to it as my craft room since it is for so much more than scrappin'. Here goes! Hope you like the tour ...
This is the view from the door. I love purple ... so I went for it ... a nice beautiful purple on my walls. I have a thing about having the perfect window coverings and until I figure that out, I'm not spending money on temporary solutions ... so meet the love of my instant decor ... paper mini blinds (they've been up for over a year - don't judge.) L-shaped desks work best for me. Like many of us, lots of stuff tucked away in baskets & under the desk I'm sure. So, the details ...
This sits behind me ... the folders hold any stray 12 x 12 papers or specialty papers (like vellum, etc). Under the folders are paper trays that hold my quilting or general craft magazines that I keep. The trays hold my super large punches and small sized page protectors (and cropodile) and under that are either more page protectors or folios to keep scrap-stuff in. The pile-o-crap with the watercolor paints ... well, that's just a pile of stuff I have to go through or get rid of, but it didn't belong on my desk!
This is under my desk ... from left to right: (1) Miscellaneous basket - holds the trays, some chipboard items, extra craft supplies, heat gun, etc. (2) basket with all my embellishments sorted/labeled with theme (like baby, love, wedding, summer, fall, etc.). (3) The square basket with the white envelopes holds memorabilia for pages yet to be done. (I use the logging system (kinda) that Becky Higgins has posted on her blog at some point) ... I have the event written, the number of the box my pics are in and if I have memorabilia for it. So far its working for me. (4) Scrap basket. Again, using the 12 x 12 plastic folders, sorted ROYGBIV with one for patterned paper ... so far it is the best way I've found for holding and being able to reuse my scraps. If I have to search for something, it's not going to happen. I use this in conjunction with a basket under my desk that I throw scraps in while I work. Every few months I spread them out on my bed and as I watch TV sort them into the appropriate folder. I keep one for patterned paper because I always hated putting multi-colored patterns in with just one color.
The hutch ... ah, the hutch. One of my most unwanted pieces of furniture ... but I'm using it anyway. Top of it has my cutesy stuff ... and baskets that hold my flowers. (the mirrored thing is an old antique medicine chest that my grandmother had and I love and just can't part with). Left side: top holds a basket with small paper pads, folders and larger paper pads and then a basket with tags on top of a photo box that holds ... something. I forget offhand (don't use that enough apparently). Below that are my plastic drawers that are ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, neutrals and metal actually) and the basket holds all my letters - brads, chipboard, any 3-dimensional type of letter, it's in there. Right side: top shelf has colored pencils and card/envelope combos ... middle has small envelopes & cards, along with markers and below that sits my metal card-catalog (LOM alumni know this piece) that sorts my pictures a-la-Stacy Julian and Library of Memories. It is of course blocked by more crap and a basket full of pictures that I need to sort and file away.
And, this my dear followers ... (if you're still awake and with me) is my view. Right now, it's the couple of new sheets of paper that I liked but have no particular use for and a stack of Christmas items that I'm prepping for my attempt at the Journal Your Christmas album this year. The wire shelf is an over-the-sink counter that holds my most used supplies (hole punch, eraser, distresser, etc.), pens, pencils and the wooden box holds scraps (that I for some reason cut up into predetermined sizes that I found on a website and thought was a good idea for some reason?) which I tend to use for cards ... and my most used ink pads. The jumble of papers off to the side are a few folders that hold some of the Simple Scrapbooks album planners and the Becky Higgins log that I mentioned earlier.
This is my lovely store ... I mean closet that has more chipboard and wooden items, Christmas balls and Styrofoam objects than I'll ever know what to do with ... along with other various crafty pursuits ... like knitting, embroidery, painting, canvases, floral items and um ... probably 4 more hobbies. (Those white boxes that are stacked *are* empty ... I feel I need to mention that for some reason.)
These are my beautiful shelves. A must-have when we moved. These shelves hold almost everything. From the top ... magazines and then boxes of photos. Albums and folders holding stuff for albums to be made (like my remembrance one of my grandmother, our wedding, vacation to Vegas ... where most everything (except large amounts of photos) are all together). The next shelves hold my card-box some various supplies (like Zig markers that I *had* to have all the colors of), the wooden drawers from Ikea hold mass cards and extra pens/markers ... the wooden long box holds various adhesives that are extra or not used often and the 12 x 12 stacked holders hold all my finished layouts that I've yet to put into albums. (for shame, I know). The main shelf (as I see it) holds 4 plastic drawers that hold adhesives and punches. On top of that are fibers and embroidery threads. Next to those drawers are cardstock sorted by ROYGBIV and then there are kits and patterned papers. If I love a kit, it's kept together in a cropper hopper folder ... if not, it's broken up into my regular patterned paper which is sorted how I think - whimsical, floral, old world, plaid, dots, geometric ... and it's working for me. Unless it's a whole line that I love, nothing is sorted by manufacturer. The lower shelves hold my ink pads, embossing powers, reinkers and those types of things ... and the right side holds baskets of stamps that I use most often. There is another shelf that isn't in the picture, but those hold general supplies or templates ... 8.5 x 11" paper and more stamps.
WHEW. Thanks for sticking with me this long. Hopefully it wasn't too painfully boring! That's my room. Now, I just need to spend more time creating in it and not re-organizing supplies!