Thursday, November 19, 2009

Overwhelmed ... time to make a list!

I have weird dreams.  My husband constantly tells me so.  Often, I have no idea what was going through my subconscious to generate said dreams.  Not so this time.

We're co-hosting Thanksgiving again this year (we live in a mother/daughter house with my parents) ... I've done this before.  Heck, I've cooked the majority of Thanksgiving dinner for quite a few years now - it's not that bad.

So why then ... did I just have a nightmare about it?  Yes ... I had a Thanksgiving Nightmare.  Dinner wasn't ready.  Place cards were lost.  Kids treats weren't made properly and ... gasp ... the table wasn't set.  I can only attribute this to the fact that I realized at 11:30 last night the following:


Holy cow ... when did it get so close?  On top of Thanksgiving, there's Black Friday.  (We just can't miss that).  Then we're also having more family over on Saturday, going to a 40th birthday party and then it's poker night for my husband after that.  Now I know that we'll I'll pull it all off without any major issues ... but it's crunch time. (Yes, I said that.)

Time to break out ... the list.  While I don't have anything quite so snazzy and organized as this little pad, I do have some blank paper.  (Actually, I have a whole notebook ... but we may just use paper for this one.)

Off the top of my head, here's what i need to do:
  • Clean the house from top to bottom so that next week is just "surface" cleaning
  • Prep the spare bedroom and make sure sheets/blankets are ready for my brother and niece
  • Grocery shopping (this will be 2 trips - one for regular stuff I need before thanksgiving and one for perishables for thanksgiving)
  • Mail out Thanksgiving cards 
  • make an album for the 40th birthday party as a gift
  • Discuss and finalize an order for a queen size and baby quilt
  • Find more time in every day
Now ... I'm sure once I go through everything I'll be sorting out what can stay and go (like do I need to make an album or will a gift-card do?) and what can be pushed off till the week after thanksgiving.  But ... I'm at that point where I know I'm overwhelmed and I start to lose focus (and tend to avoid doing anything that needs to be done).

So ... with that - I'm off to make my list.  My poor husband won't know what hits him when he finally wakes up!

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